Association Officers
Mission Statement
The purpose of the USMC Ground Ordnance Maintenance Association is to support the Marine Corps by disseminating knowledge of Ground Ordnance Maintenance among Marines, to provide professional development opportunities for Marines, to foster the spirit and preserve the traditions of the Marine Corps to offer special benefits to USMC GOMA members!
Our History
In 2010 the United States Marine Corps Ground Ordnance Maintenance Association (GOMA) was formed by Robert Charlton in the State of Virginia. The initial board members were Robert Charlton-Chairman, Mike Brown-Vice Chairman, Sean Jones-Secretary/Treasurer. Charles Bushnell was appointed the Membership Chairman during this period. Greg Frich also joined in on board meetings and together they implemented the By-Laws, created an Official LOGO, website, establish a PayPal account and create a process for new membership. An attempt to obtain a tax free status was denied by the IRS due to the narrow membership criteria listed in the by-laws. During this period the association began to solicit members to join and in 2014 they had their first annual meeting to vote in a new board and update the by-laws. At the annual meeting 3 members were elected into office: Romeo Deloscoy-Chairman, David Tifft-Vice Chairman, Rosalind Twigg-Secretary/Treasurer. Charles Bushnell remained as the membership chairman as well. Dennis Adams graciously undertook the main review of the by laws and presented it to the board. This was then further reviewed and modified and sent to all members to vote on.
After approval from the members the bylaws were implemented in 2015. During 2015 Charles Bushnell resigned from Membership and Cynthia Sacca-Goodman stepped up the fill in that role. During this time the new board worked to ensure that all of the schools and annual awards ceremonies were covered with appropriate certificates and awards. Work was done on the tax exempt status, however forward movement was stalled due to administrative delays. An annual meeting was twice attempted at the GOMAG but since there was not a quorum, the meetings resulted in information sessions only. During this time a new WEB site and new board of directors email accounts were created by Tarl Malcomb and that site has continued to grow.
In November 2018, a new election was conducted where Charles Bushnell was unanimously voted in as the Chairman, Mike Lewis-Vice Chairman, Jerod Murphy –Secretary and Scott Burns-Treasurer. Joe Bering was also appointed as the new Membership Chairman. First order of business was a review of the incorporation and Bylaws. This was completed, and updated Bylaws were voted in during the March 2019 meeting of the board and membership. Currently, the board of directors is working with the Ordnance school houses on awards as well as audits, back taxes, Ordnance Marines of the year awards, GOMAG and clean up of the membership program.
Association Plankholders
- Mr. Bushnell, 12/10/2010
- Mr. Frich, 2/1/2011
- Mr. Steiner, 2/1/2011
- Mr. Kunst, 2/1/2011
- Mr. Fiene, 2/4/2011
- Mr. Patterson, 2/13/2011
- Mr. Brown, 2/28/2011
- Mr. Tifft, 3/5/2011
- Mr. Cooley, 3/7/2011
- Mr. Jones, 3/8/2011
- Mr. Southerland, 3/10/2011
- Mr. Sada, 3/29/2011
- Mr. Jacobus, 3/30/2011
- Mr. Bennie, 3/30/2011
- Mr. Koch, 3/31/2011
- Mr. Tobler, 3/31/2011
- Mr. Charlton, 4/1/2011
- Mr. Williams, 4/1/2011
- Mr. Chavez, 4/1/2011
- Mr. Weaver, 4/1/2011
- Mr. Spooner, 4/1/2011
- Mr. Robinson, 4/6/2011
- Mr. Patterson, 4/20/2011
- Mr. Delossantoscoy, 5/17/2011
- Mr. Burns, 5/17/2011
- Mr. Adams, 6/15/2011
- Mr. Myrka, 10/12/2011
- Mr. Pitchford, 10/13/2011
- Mr. Case, 2/7/2012
- Mr. Lewis, 2/9/2012
- Mr. Marion, 2/17/2012
- Mr. Collins, 2/21/2012
- Mr. Collins, 2/22/2012
- Mr. Cunliffe Jr., 2/29/2012